Renewing membership for 2024
Existing members will be sent a generic invoice for their membership renewal for 2024 during January. Please pay by the end of January 2024.
You can pay now if you wish by following the instructions below:
1. Process a direct debit transfer of your fees to the club bank account: BSB 066115 Account no. 10634524. For the payment reference, please insert your name.
2. The membership fees for 2024 are as follows (subject to change by the AGM to be held in January or February 2024):
Rider class: $120
Junior rider class: $120
Non-rider class: $25
3. Please then send an email to the membership secretary advising that you have made a payment. [email protected]
Existing members will be sent a generic invoice for their membership renewal for 2024 during January. Please pay by the end of January 2024.
You can pay now if you wish by following the instructions below:
1. Process a direct debit transfer of your fees to the club bank account: BSB 066115 Account no. 10634524. For the payment reference, please insert your name.
2. The membership fees for 2024 are as follows (subject to change by the AGM to be held in January or February 2024):
Rider class: $120
Junior rider class: $120
Non-rider class: $25
3. Please then send an email to the membership secretary advising that you have made a payment. [email protected]