Introduction There are three league competitions. Look carefully to note what tests are offered for each competition. You may enter one or two competition tests for each competition plus one training test for each competition. Each test costs $20.
League competition No. 1 - January, enter by 24th January and submit your test by 28th January. League competition no. 2 - February, enter by 24th, submit by 28th. League competition no. 3 - March, enter by 21st, submit by 24th.
You may submit a form for each competition or you can submit a form for two or three competitions.
Before you submit a form, add up the number of tests at $20 per test. Make a note of the club’s bank account details and make your payment. BSB 066 115, account no. 10634524, reference (your name, entry months) eg F Smith Jan & Mar
You may also use this form to enter a training test. See notes below. Fee $20.